"I Was Never Happy With My Old Smile, A Full Mouth Reconstruction Gave Me The Confidence To Smile Again!"
My name is Keith and I had a full mouth restoration with Dr. Park. My teeth were cracking and discolored. I wasn’t happy with my previous smile. I mean, I had the orthodontist where I got them straight but they were all discolored and chipped and cracking. So I had crowns and everything, and caps and all that stuff. And my front teeth were cracked and chipped. I saw Dr. Park’s testimonies and his reviews and his education, and I wanted to come to see him. When I walked into the office at Alluvial Dental Center, it was wide open and bright, and the staff was friendly. He described the procedure that he was going to do and we went with the panniers. We decided on a color that would be appropriate for my age.
After my procedure with my new teeth, I was absolutely happy. I smile a lot more and I feel very comfortable with them. I love coming back for my procedures every 6 months for my cleaning, and I'm treated very well.

Dr. Park:
When he first came in, actually his teeth were like really falling apart. I had to do some extractions on the front teeth. He had decay in many different teeth. So basically, I had to fix every single one of his teeth. So we did some veneers on lower teeth, we did some full mouth crowns and then we came out really beautiful.
Yeah. And after my procedure with my new teeth, I was absolutely happy. I smile a lot more and I feel very comfortable with them. I love coming back for my procedures every 6 months for my cleaning, and I’m treated very well.
Dr. Park:
Now, he’s been my patient ever since. I think he’s been my patient, for almost ten years now. Not only that, he brings his friends to our practice. So it’s a wonderful relationship that we established.
I can’t believe I let that go so far, so long. This is what I had before. And now this is me now. I wish I would have done it earlier. Absolutely having this full mouth reconstruction is life-changing.
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