Root canal therapy can save your natural tooth instead of resorting to extracting it. A tooth experiencing trauma, severe gum disease, or physical irritation like tooth decay can be saved with our same day root canal therapy. Dr. Andrew Park has helped patients all over Fresno, CA save their teeth and prevent tooth loss with same day root canals thanks to his training in surgery and endodontics. Our cutting-edge technology and endodontics dental team allows Alluvia Dental Center to provide patients all over the area with this premier treatment. Root canal therapy typically requires a series of visits to the dentist, but our root canal specialist, Dr. Park, is ready to save your tooth without the wait.
Root canal therapy involves the removal of the inflamed tooth pulp causing pain and discomfort. The inside cavity is then thoroughly clean and filled with a filling material to prevent future infection. To access the pulp, a significant portion of the top of the tooth needs to be removed. Traditional root canal treatments require more than one visit for treatment and the placement of a crown to cover the tooth. The wait is usually due to the wait on your restoration being fabricated in a dental lab and arriving to the dental office. However, Alluvial Dental Center features an in-house lab that can eliminate these long wait times and the need for multiple visits.
Our state-of-the-art dental lab allows Dr. Park to achieve a same day root canal while provide quality restorations to our patients. Your same day root canal will include your root canal treatment and the placement of your permanent crown in one appointment. A 3D scan will be taken of the tooth to begin fabrication of your crown during your root canal treatment. The crown is then fabricated from porcelain or composite resin using our on-site milling machine and customized to blend into the rest of your smile. Once your root canal treatment and fabrication are complete, Dr. Park will then bond the crown to your tooth, and you are ready to go! Treatment can take a few hours between the root canal therapy and fabrication of your restoration. As a patient of our same day root canal treatment, you are experiencing groundbreaking treatment in endodontics and do not have to suffer longer than necessary from tooth pain. No matter if it is a root canal front tooth or a molar, we can help you!
We believe everyone should receive the premium dental care you have come to expect at Alluvial Dental Center. The investment for same day root canal treatment does not typically largely differ from traditional root canal therapy. As with all treatments, the complexity and severity of the case largely determines factors like time and investment. We work with a variety of insurance carriers and financing firms to provide affordable options for our patients. Our finance team is available to advise on the best way to maximize your insurance benefits and utilize our financing options to make treatment affordable. If you are experiencing sever tooth pain, please contact our office right away to determine if root canal therapy is needed to save your tooth. Simply contact our office to schedule your appointment and see the difference same day root canal therapy can make!
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